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Grace Calendar

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Just $15 or invite a friend, not from your church, and each pays $7.50. Price include continental breakfast, lunch and snacks.


8:00 —8:30 am            Arrive early for continental breakfast

8:30—10:00 am         Morning General Session – worship, testimony, platform                      speaker : Crawford Loritts — Choose to Flourish

10:15—11:05 am           Platform Session—Rooted in God’s Purpose, Mike Beaux

11:15—12:05 pm           Platform Session—Made for a Mission, Wilfredo DeJesùs

   12:05 pm                  LUNCH SERVED

12:15 – 1:05 pm           Platform Session—Authentic Manhood, Tierce Green

1:15 — 2:05 pm           Platform Session—Rooted in Your Marriage, Steve and                           Colleen Sonderman

2:15 — 4:00 pm        Afternoon General Session—worship, testimony, platform                       speaker: Stu Weber - Released for Christ

Just as you received Christ Jesus as LORD, Continue to live in Him Rooted and built up, strengthened in faith and overflowing with thankfulness.                                              Col.1:6-7






Earlier Event: February 4
Life Group - School of the Bible
Later Event: February 7
Christian Education Hour