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Christian Education Hour


Adults & Teens: Free Indeed DVD by Robert Morris


“Is is possible to be a believer and be in bondage? Yes! What we casually dismiss as a bad habit can often be what the Bible calls a stronghold.

 Anger, envy, lust, worry, addiction, compulsive behaviors—these are just a few of the bondages that can hold believers in a   demonic grasp. However, as Robert Morris and friends reveal in this powerful series of teachings, it’s possible to be free. Truly, gloriously free.

 In fact, freedom is a key part of your inheritance as a believer.

 In Free Indeed, you’ll discover the various “doors” Christians leave open to the enemy and how to close them. These life-changing messages will help you discover your road to spiritual freedom. You can be free indeed!”  

Earlier Event: March 20
Palm Sunday
Later Event: March 20
Worship Service