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9:30 Worship Service - Guest Speaker Pastor Warren Heckman

Guest Speaker Warren Heckman

Pastor Warren Heckman

JULY 10th


   The Grace Church Family is honored to have Pastor Warren Heckman share with us on July 10. It was Pastor Heckman who 23 years ago suggested Roger Olsen to a small group of people in New Glarus who were looking for a pastor. Pastor Warren has served the Lord from his youth. In 1969 he accepted God’s call to a small church of 60+ people in Madison Wisconsin.  Under his leadership, Madison Gospel Tabernacle (now City Church) grew to become one of the most influential and large congregations in the city and region. The Lord only knows how many thousands of individuals, both pastors and lay individuals, are serving God all over the world today from the influence of the ministry of Pastor Warren Heckman. His message from many decades of experience and wisdom will bless you and the Grace Family. 

Pastor Roger

Earlier Event: July 9
Later Event: July 13
Elevate Youth