Dear Grace Family,
The 9th annual Grace Church sponsored regional festival is only a couple months away. It is an understatement to simply say we have impacted our community. I believe in heaven we will learn of many who are there because of our love for people and our commitment to invest our time and resources by providing an annual event where Christ is lifted up andexalted.
Christians and the Church are frequently criticized today for many reasons and some are even valid. I believe it was our second year that a prominent member of the community complained to the police about the noise. In recent years he has contributed to the festival. Another person known for his disdain for Christianity, commended Grace Church in a letter to the editor of the Post Messenger for our contribution to the community.“When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them” Proverbs 16:7.
Our primary purpose is to create a forum where the goodness and generosity of God and His people are manifested and the Gospel is shared to as many as possible. God has made that happen. Just think, in our community of just 2000, over 5000 have attended in 2014 and 2015. Financially, about $23,000 is needed to come in before the festival to meet our goal. The first Sunday of each month is designated for special giving towards the festival. Please ask the Lord to speak to your heart regarding what He would like for you to contribute to this important outreach to our neighbors. Also, there are still areas that need volunteers.
MOST IMPORTANT PRAY FOR: Souls, Good weather, Regional impact, influence, and Finances.
Pastor Roger