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Worship Service - Guest Speaker Scott Weckerly

Scott Weckerly


Originally from Monroe Wisconsin, Scott is the brother of Cindy Wilcox, who now resides in Nashville Tennessee with his family. Scott is a very talented and gifted man. He is well known as a professional drummer for bands like Eternity, and he has worked closely with his friend Ray Stevens known for many years in both the Christian and secular world for his hits like, "Everything Is Beautiful" and "Ahab The Arab". Scott’s passion is for Truth and convincing people of the veracity of the Scriptures as God’s Word. The whole Bible wholly true. 

   SUNDAY MORNING Scott will share his testimony, “What Is A Biblical World View?”, "The Ultimate Proof of God" and "How To Answer A Fool."  

   SUNDAY EVENING we will gather from 6 to 8 pm for a VERY informal time (Make your own sundae Sunday) while Scott shares on these questions and more: Soft tissue in dinosaur bones? Who did Cain marry?, How could Adam name all the animals in one day?, How can you have days if the sun was not created until day 4?, Carbon 14 and other dating methods. 

**** Great opportunity to bring friends who have questions about the Bible and Christianity!


Earlier Event: July 30
Later Event: July 31
Blood Pressure Screening