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Grace Calendar

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Men of Grace

Beginning Tuesday, September 27 the Men of Grace will begin a five week course by Chris Hogan called Slow Is Fast. Each week it will consist of a video, time to discuss the content and prayer. Abundant food and snacks will be provided. 

Slow is Fast in Relationships

When it comes to relationships, being effective is more

important than being efficient. In this video, Chris Hogan shows you the difference between the normal and noble paths to relationship. The normal (upper) path or relationship is based on desires and expectations that lead to a cycle of anger, unwise decisions, pride, shame, condemnation,    hopeless, regret and fear. It is characterized by trying to go fast in order to be efficient but it destroys trust and breaks down the safety required to walk in the light so you might have fellowship one with another.


The noble (lower) path of relationship focuses on my responsibility to becoming the noble man God created me to be and assisting others to do the same. It is about effectively being transformed more and more into Christlikeness. This transformation process requires time and pressure. Going slow in relationship allows trust to develop which, opens the door to transparency and intimacy so we can be known and no longer alone. The noble path is characterized by courage, surrender, willingness, acceptance, insight, love, joy and peace. 



Earlier Event: September 25
Blood Pressure Screening
Later Event: September 28
Awana at the Bible Church