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School of the Bible

These classes are a self-directed study with a weekly study group that will meet on Thursdays 6:30pm starting January 12th at Grace Church. This class will be an Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible

 An introductory course on the principles for interpreting Scripture. It summarizes the need for hermeneutical       principles and explores the qualifications, tools, and goals of the biblical interpreter. This is followed by a historical survey of hermeneutics from early Jewish interpreters to the present. The course includes a unit on the general and specific principles for interpreting the Bible, a unit on genres, and a unit on applying the principles. Students develop skills by practicing the principles in the provided exercises.


New Student Application Fee: $30 (One-time fee)

Course Fee: $20 per class (Normally $24)

Materials: $28 (Normally $35)

(If you desire physical class materials versus online study there may be a shipping fee)


Application and $30 application fee are due by Sunday, January 3rdth Make checks out to Grace Church.



Later Event: January 28