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Synergy & Healing Rooms

SynergyIt's been one year since we started       Synergy, and God has been so good to lead us each time we meet to listen and pray together! On the outward, it may not look like we have come very far, but I know that we…


It's been one year since we started       Synergy, and God has been so good to lead us each time we meet to listen and pray together! On the outward, it may not look like we have come very far, but I know that we are making an impact in the spiritual atmosphere of Grace, New Glarus, and in every place or situation we have prayed for! God is faithful, and his word will not return void, but it will water the ground! (Psalm 55) Thank you, Father!

The inspiration for Synergy came from reading and listening to Dutch Sheets talk about "The synergy of the ages," as Dutch called it. It comes from the revelation of praying with the saints who have gone before us — agreeing with the prayers that have been prayed by those who used to be on earth because their prayers are still alive and necessary. So, my dad (Pastor Roger) and I started talking about this idea and had a revelation that we can actually agree with prayers/declarations that are happening right now in the Throne Room! This brought a visual to me of people  worshipping extravagantly with the gifts and talents in the Throne Room and having a good time giving him praise and honor while worshipping him. And I thought - why wait until we get to Heaven to worship that way??? Let's start now!

So, here we are, learning how to worship him with our own expressions in the abilities he's given each of us :) When we pray - the key to agreeing with Heaven - we can unashamedly believe God for what we are praying. I believe the Father wants us to learn how to declare what Heaven is saying into the situations we are praying. This is where the foundational scripture "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"    became our focus for what we pray at Synergy. 

Sarah Hionis

November & December 

Because both 4th Fridays fall near the holidays we are having the second Synergy and Healing Rooms on a Sunday night.

November 26th

We will meet from 5-7pm and end with some Sugar River Pizza!! 





Earlier Event: November 9
Care Net of Green County
Later Event: November 11
Veteran's Day