Men, to do the job right we need skills and the right tools. Whether it’s in the workplace, at a home project, in relationships, or in raising kids, we men want to succeed. The goal of the Grace Men’s Initiative in 2017 is to provide you with some practical “tools” that will help you to succeed in life. Here are some of the tools we have put in your toolbox so far this year: (1) How to hear from God, (2) How to develop new habits, (3) The importance of worship, and (4) Winning in relationship conflicts. These new topics are coming up: (1) A man and his work, (2) The roadmap for success, and (3) How to express love to others. Check your toolbox - are those tools in it? If they are, great - then join us and help another man learn to use these tools.
Our men’s meetings are held at Grace Church from 7:30-9AM on the second Saturday of each month (unless there are scheduling conflicts). Each meeting will focus on a specific topic with practical take-home tools that you can use. We promise you that eachmeeting will be on-time and worth your while. Make it a priority.