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Grace Calendar

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Women of Grace - Harvest of Hope

Teresa Business Photo color.JPG.jpg

Ladies Teresa has a special message for us this Saturday. We’ll also enjoy a potluck breakfast. Childcare will be provided if needed.  Invite a friend. Please sign up today.

Teresa (Te-RESS-sa) Holmes  Teresa is a native of Milwaukee and has lived in Madison since 2017. She attends Life Center Madison where she is a member of the Ministry Teaching Team and leads the Evangelism and Life Center local Outreach Ministry Teams.


Teresa has followed Jesus for over  25 years after being transformed by His love in a way that resulted in the passionate pursuit of creative ways to love   people. She is an entrepreneur who actively uses her gifts to transform the    Marketplace. In business and ministry, she is equipping others to be positioned to encounter and release Jesus in authentic and innovative ways.


She serves the city of Madison in various ways through the Downtown Rotary Club of Madison and several local and community service organizations.


Earlier Event: October 12
Synergy & Healing Rooms
Later Event: October 14
Worship Service --- Missions Sunday