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Grace Calendar

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Worship Service --- Missions Sunday - Guest Speaker Garth Heckman

Garth has pastored for 35 years from the inner cities of America to the suburbs. He has authored 9 books, spoken to over a million people, broken National Power lifting records and his biggest accomplishment is staying married for 35 years. He has two incredible sons and two more amazing grandkids. God has called him to share his love through life experiences such as a broken neck, 3 cancers and a brain tumor. As the son of Pastors Warren and Donna he has a gift of being authentic, humorous and moves in the supernatural. Currently pastoring a Methodist church, He continually stays busy with doing a daily podcast for men called The David Alliance and is spending his free time building a business to take on Craigslist.

Pastor Roger Olsen

Earlier Event: February 8
Synergy & Healing Rooms
Later Event: February 10
11th Annual Chili Cook off Potluck