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Grace Calendar

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Women of Grace - Harvest of Hope

Love and Grace Make for a Powerful Marriage (and All Relationships)

We will hear Biblical wisdom and testimonies from Sharon Nafzger, Marian Pfeuti, and others on the power of 1 Corinthians 13 inspired marriages! Please join us for a morning of sharing God's Word, and be prepared to leave encouraged and motivated to become the Christian woman God intended you to be, even if you are not married. 

The Bible says, "see to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many" (Heb 23:15 NIV). Where Grace is lacking, bitterness abounds. Where Grace abounds, forgiveness grows. Peter writes, "grow in the grace and knowledge of out Lord." Growing in Bible knowledge is a lot easier than growing in Grace toward those who hurt you. The first requires a good memory, the second requires a Christ-like character. So, how do you "grow" in Grace? By practicing it with everyone, in every situation you find yourself in.  

Earlier Event: June 16
Later Event: June 17
Father's Day