Behind the Green Door Gang (BGDG)
We are excited about a new ministry launching here at Grace Church. The Behind the Green Door Gang is for those in the grace family that are 60 and older. The name comes from a hit song in the 1950s. It has to do with a lot of fun things going on in the room behind the green door.
We have a leadership team that is working hard to plan and schedule a monthly get together, usually a potluck lunch, with fun speakers and activities. On November 10th we are going to have our first potluck lunch right after church. After lunch we’ll have a time for games including dominos, cards, board games, and the Packer game on TV.
We’ll be take December off for the Holidays but we’ll pick it up again with another potluck on January 12th.
Hope all you senior saints will join us.
The old bopper Steve Bridge