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Grace Calendar

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Angel Mission UPdate

Greetings and blessings to you! 

We were blessed to participate in City Church's missions conference this past week, and for that occasion made a ministry update video, which I am sharing with all of you so that you can also see some pictures and hear our year-in-review. 

We have also been able to visit and share at both Grace Church and Family of Faith in Lena and were so blessed by all of your love and support for us. Our time in Madison has been an encouragement to our souls, and I think we have both progressed in our grief journey as we walk it out and share it with our friends and family. 

Josh found a good and somewhat-steady job with a company owned and operated by Christians passionate about serving God out in the world and in business as well as in the church. So that is a blessing. 

Our car has broken down for the sixth time with the same issue that seems to never get fixed, so we are looking for a different one - something reliable as we head into winter. If anyone has any leads - perhaps on a compact SUV in the Madison area, we will happily take them. 

As we reduce the amount of donated support that we need to use to live on, we are blessed to be able to send all the surplus back to the base in Mexico, so they can continue working on important projects and ministries while we are away. 

Thank you for your interest in and support of us and our efforts to live in step with Christ's transforming plan for our world.

Josh, Anne, and Jack

Earlier Event: October 14
Elevate Youth
Later Event: October 18
Worship Service