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Defending the Faith with Jay Seegert

Evolution: Probable or Problematic?

Certain aspects of evolution occasionally seem fairly plausible. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision fish slowly turning into amphibians, with their fins gradually being transformed into legs and moving up onto land.

However, when we take a closer look at what actually has to go on inside (in the DNA) we see a vastly different picture. It is like looking under the hood of a beautiful sports car only to find that its engine is completely missing! Presenting some incredibly fascinating information about DNA, this presentation clearly demonstrates (in laymen’s terms) that molecules-to-man evolution is virtually impossible.

The Myth of "Facts vs Faith” (aka: Faith is Not a Four-Letter Word)

It is a common misconception that skeptics base all their beliefs on “facts”, while Christians simply have “faith” which amounts to nothing more than wishful thinking and belief in fairytales… or as Mark Twain stated, “Faith is believing in what you know ain’t so!”

This presentation shows just how incorrect this view truly is and powerfully equips Christians to share and defend their faith without having to memorize lots of facts or have degrees in science, or Greek & Hebrew. It is very encouraging, eye-opening, and easy for all to understand.

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Earlier Event: October 21
Elevate Youth