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Grace Calendar

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Missions - Welborn update

From the beginning of our ministry here in Agua Prieta, (almost 24 years ago), our Number one priority has been and still is, (no matter what the situation is at the time) to reach out to people and lead them to faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  During this time of the coronavirus and all the restrictions and regulations that are being put on everyone (face masks, social distancing, curfews, closed businesses, and meeting places, etc.), we are still keeping this as our number one priority. One day last week, when we were out making visits to homes to "check out" their situations and bless them with essentials (soap, toilet tissue, food, etc.), Doug said: "Fear is Coronavirus' best friend, and faith in Jesus Christ is its worst enemy".

As we look to the Lord for His wisdom, guidance, protection and provision and stand on His promises, He is blessing us daily to be able to bless others.  We have continued our daily schedule at the community center, serving breakfasts to 50-60, haircuts, playground time, and classes, Tues. - Thurs. and Sat.: , as well as Bible Studies for adults and children during the week.  We have been told that we are the only church in A.P. that is having services, so we have been blessed with many visitors!  We are having a baptismal service next Sunday and have 4 (so far) that are planning to be baptized.

We had a tragedy in the community two weeks  ago, which reminded us of how quickly life can be taken away.  Gloria and Manuel (11 and 8) who were coming daily for breakfasts and playground, were sleeping in their home 2 blocks from here, and a candle that was burning caught fire.  Gloria stopped in front of our house about 7:30 A.M., to tell us the sad story that Manuel had not been able to get out and had died. As the community started giving things to help them get their house repaired and back in living condition, we took up an offering in the chuch, and took Gloria grocery shopping.  Most importantly, she knows that God loves her and we love her and are here for her.

We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you for your prayers and support (even in these difficult times).  

In His Love, 

Doug and Jan

Earlier Event: May 15
Missions - Beutler update
Later Event: May 17
Virtual Worship Service