Hello, everyone!
Raising the next generation of explorers (Josh and Jack on a hike)
Coronavirus Update
Since my last email, the virus-lockdown dance has become more complicated and confusing. We thought that we were allowed to have church (since we are a group under 50) as long as we social distanced and wore face masks, but then the governor issued new guidance about re-opening Phase 0, clarifying churches were not allowed to re-open, but pastors could visit individual parishioners. However, most other businesses, if they operate at reduced capacity are allowed to start opening again.
Jalisco (our state) has fewer than 1000 cases and only 59 deaths to date, which is pretty low. Testing has expanded greatly - they've now done over 11,000 tests on symptomatic people - and it seems the virus is not spreading as rapidly as it was feared it would. Or, perhaps, it spread rapidly back in January and February and many have recovered already. There has been some evidence that that is the case. We are grateful to God that for whatever reason, the worst case scenarios have not come to pass in terms of the virus. Now, however, as in many places, the economic devastation must be attended to.
Ministry Update
We re-opened church for a Mother's Day service but are now suspending in-person services once again according to the governor's guidance. Annie had the chance to preach her first message via video a few weeks ago and has been blessed by the response. We have filmed a few extra videos for the Bible school and Josh and Jesús are doing a wood-working project for our "set" that will be beautiful when done.
Now that the stay-at-home order allows a little more gathering of people, Josh is leading another three-day survival-type camp this week with 9 men from the emergency response brigade he has been a part of since last fall. A few of them were attenders at his last one, and they requested another in order to invite a few more people along. Josh is excited to A) see someone besides us and B) continue forging strong bonds with these men for God's glory and everyone's good.
One of the "individual visits to parishioners" we had the privilege of conducting this week involved meeting with a single mom from our church - Nancy - who has a small taco stand business that she had to stop working when the schools were closed and she had no one to watch her children.
This time has been extremely difficult for her as her ex has been inconsistent with child support payments and, not having a home of her own, she lives with her extended family. She had become very depressed, unbeknownst to us, but as we talked, she told how God had revealed to her many of the damaging cycles and emotional dependencies she was prone to. In this time of not being able to be busy or to "flee" from her problems, she has started confronting them and is determined, as she said, "to find out who I am to God" instead of putting her identity in what other people thought of her.
Even in this hardest time, God is inviting all of us to give him the reins and to stop, reflect, and ask what we need to change. What is it inside of us that we have not wanted to take the time to process, change, or heal from? That's what we have the opportunity to address at this time.
I know for me, (Annie), my thing is processing the loss of Will. I just want my grief to go away and I want to be okay again. But acting like I'm okay and actually being okay are two different things. I can do the first one in my own strength, but God has to help me do the second.
Also, we have 7 puppies. Anyone want one? They will be two months on May 7. Belgian malinois/wolf/husky mix.
Blessings from us! We'd love to hear your testimonies from quarantine.
The Angels
If you would like to support our ministry, you can send donations online via Paypal to angelsinmex@gmail.com Or by check made out to Latin American Ministries and mailed to
Angels c/o Flahertys
4832 Catalina Pkwy
McFarland, WI 53558