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Grace Calendar

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Women of Grace

September 19th 6-8 pm- "Evening at the Pfeuti Farm"

Topic: UNITING THE GENERATIONS: Praying Women Have Power 24/7! 

COVID 19 continues. An upcoming critical Presidential Election. A nation in crisis. Virtual School. Conflicting opinions and information. Who could use more of God's truth and power in their life to navigate through all this chaos? Join us for an evening of Worship, Prayer, and a Picnic Supper at the Pfeuti farm. Our Women of Grace theme for 2020-2021  is "Uniting the Generations".  Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer, or beyond you have been placed at Grace Church for a reason and we look forward to helping you discover more of God's truth and power as we seek the one and only true source of unity-JESUS!  Jeremiah 24:7 "I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart".



Earlier Event: September 16
Elevate Youth Night
Later Event: September 20
Worship Service