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Grace Calendar

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Synergy - Worship and Praise

Synergy - worship and  PRAYER



Synergy Worship and Prayer is an open forum of all things honoring the Lord. The time spent at Synergy Worship and Prayer is determined by the Holy Spirit. We strive to be in alignment with what God is doing in our people, church, community, cities, and nation. We seek to know His heart. We want to be fully present and awake for the move of God. We say yes to what He is doing.


Worship Free flow of music, led by singers, live and or recorded.

Prayer teams will be located in back of sanctuary. Rooms will be available for privacy if needed.

Freedom for the people of Grace Church. We desire to see a deeper development in our relationship with the Lord — a strengthening of who He has called us to be —and a safe place to learn.


ART & FLAGS  Tables will be set up on the sides of the sanctuary to work on art. Some supplies of paper, markers, colored pencils will be provided. Flags will also be available to those wishing to use them in     worship.




Earlier Event: May 23
Worship Service - Graduate Sunday
Later Event: May 26
Elevate Youth Night