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Seder Celebration

Passover Seder Celebration -  Sunday, April 10th 4-6:30PM

Cost: Adults - $10; $5 - Children 6+;  Children 5 and under Free


The Last Supper is one of the most poignant and beautiful moments of Jesus Messiah’s ministry. On the last night of His time on earth, Jesus gathered His disciples to celebrate Passover. Many followers of Jesus are familiar with the Passover, but not all have encountered the deep connection to our past and the Messiah that can be found through the celebration of a Passover Seder. Learn the rich history and symbolism of this traditional experience, all in light of Messiah Jesus’ coming as the Passover Lamb.


This is a learning  experience (two-and-a-half hours) that the whole family can enjoy yet the nursery rooms will be open if a child is restless. No Childcare will be provided.  Sign up at Welcome Center

Later Event: April 13
Elevate Youth Night